Install Batteries
If you don't have a real 12S module (i.e. you only have 18S modules), please watch this video prior to continuing. You will need to convert one of your 18S modules to a "Pseudo-12S" module, which has a few minor changes from the instructions shown below.
If you're installing the (optional) heater kit, perform the additional steps outlined in "Heater Step 2: Install heater PCBs"
LiBCM Install Step 12: Battery Module Preparation
DANGER: Starting at the next step, the installer is exposed to dangerous high voltage signals until the safety cover is installed.
Please review this safety video
If you're installing the (optional) heater kit, then before installing the aluminum covers (as shown in either video below), perform the additional steps outlined in "Heater Step 3: Additional steps to perform after installing modules"
Choose one of the following two videos: (either 18S-+ or 18S--):
LiBCM Install Step 13a: Install 18S-+ Module Configuration (scroll down below for the 18-- video)
LiBCM Install Step 13b: Install 18S-- Module Configuration
LiBCM Install Step 14: Attach LiBCM to Enclosure
If you're installing the (optional) heater kit, perform the additional steps outlined in "Heater Step 4: Additional steps to perform after installing LiBCM PCB"
LiBCM Install Step 15: Connect High Voltage Wires to LiBCM
Note: PCBs between serial numbers D049 and D077 (shipped 2022JUL) might have difficult to turn screws. If your PCB lies in this range and the screws on the green connector are difficult to turn, then apply 100% acetone (i.e. nail polish remover) onto the screws and let it soak into the connector. This will dissolve the acrylic conformal coating that was incorrectly applied too close to the connector. Try not to get the acetone elsewhere on the PCB, as it will dissolve the conformal coating (not the end of the world if that happens). After the acetone dries, apply 90%+ rubbing alcohol to the connector to clean off any residuals. If the screws still don't turn, repeat the process, or contact me for a replacement PCB.
LiBCM Install Step 16: Install Safety Cover